325: An Insurgent Anti-Prison Zine of Social War and Anarchy (Issue #10, November 2012)
European anti-prison zine published underground for the last ten years.(Back issues available)
Fire to the Prisons: An Insurrectionary Quarterly (Issue #11, Spring 2011)
Anarchist anti-prison, earth/animal liberation periodical from the US.(Back issues available)
Conspiracion Acrata: Insurrectionary & Revolutionary Anarchist Publication, Mexico City (Issue #8, Nov-Feb 2010-2011)
A Murder of Crows: For Social War & the Subversion of Daily Life (Issue #2, March 2007)
Information about revolutionary projects & critical analysis of social struggle.(Back issue available)
Killing King Abacus: For Relations Without Measure (Issue #2, Summer 2001)
(Back issue available)
Insurrection (Issue #6, September 1989)
Anarchist magazine of the 1980′s which was edited by Jean Weir of Elephant Editions. Amongst agitational news reports of rebellion and repression, the publication carried some of the first English language translations of the work of Italian anarchist insurrectionist, Alfredo M. Bonanno. (Back issues available)
Against Prison (Issue #1, July 2010)
Info, theory, and analysis regarding the struggle against prison & the expansion of the Canadian prison system.
Deranged (Issue #0, 2007)
Incendio: A Bilingual Journal of Latin American Theory & Solidarity (Issue #1, Spring 2006)
Articles on Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuala, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina to name a few countries + info on Mapuche resistance & American resistance to the Green Scare.
Burning Bridges: A Southern Ontario Anarchist Publication (Issue #1, Winter/Spring 2009)
Writings on health & resistance, history & analysis of social revolt in Guelph, tactics & analysis for creating social conflict, info about development in Guelph + more.
Spread Social Revolt: Anarchist Resistance & Indigenous Struggle Against the 2010 Olympics In Vancouver, Canada
Space Wars: The Anarchist Strike Back
Discussions on graffiti, squatting in the woods and city, liberating space + more.
Considering Trajectories
An anarchist’s thoughts on squatting, repression, solidarity & mutual Aid.
Of Martial Traditions & The Art Of Rebellion
Proposal for anarchists to develop martial skills.
Without Conclusion: Recent Anarchist Endeavors on the Pacific Coast of Canada
Overview of anarchist activity in British Colombia from 2006-present, written by Vancouver anarchists.
Face to Face With the Enemy: Vancouver Anarchist Newsletter/September 2007
Slightly outdated but a good insight into anarchist activity in Canada.
Why do we Hate the Olympics?
Writings against the Olympics + a diary of anti-olympic actions & communiques.
It’s Easy to Attack: A Sharpening of the Anarchist Struggle In Barcelona
Texts translated from Spanish or Catalan giving insight into some of the ideas and methods of the anarchist struggle in Barcelona.
Lines in Sand: Three Essays on Identity, Oppression, & Social War
Examining the line that is dividing many of our struggles into two camps those of “identity politics” and those considered “privileged” for lack of better terms.
At Daggers Drawn: With the Existent, It’s Defenders, and it’s False Critics
Classic insurrectionary text “The secret is to really begin”.
Autonomous Self-Organization & Anarchist Intervention: A Tension In Practice
Insurrectionary analysis from Wolfi Landstreicher.
Against the Logic of Submission (Wolfi Landstreicher)
Examines the necessity of the subversive transformation of ourselves and our relationships, and practices, as well as ideologies and methodologies that hinder this.
From Politics to Life: Ridding Anarchy of the Leftist Millstone (Wolfi Landstreicher)
“The realization of anarchist dreams, of the dreams of every individual still capable of dreaming and desiring independently to be the autonomous creators of their own existence, requires a conscious and rigorous break with the left.”
The Network of Domination (Wolfi Landstreicher)
Anarchist analyses of the institutions, structures & systems of domination & exploitation to be debated, developed & acted upon.
This is what Democracy looks like: An Anarchist critique of democracy
Examines the concept of democracy and provides a critical analysis of the democratic doctrine and system.
Caught in the web of deception: writings on anarchists and the media
“As long as the present social order exists, it will be impossible to avoid interaction with the various facets of the power structure. Those of us who call ourselves anarchists need to choose to make these interactions clearly adversarial and conflictual, reflecting our desire to destroy the power structure completely.”
Pieces of Self: Anarchy, Gender and Other Thoughts
Collection of writings on sexuality, gender & civilization from a green anarchist perspective.
Endless War: Anarchist Anti-militarism and the ‘War on Terrorism’
Writings on the political, manipulative use of words like terrorism, the criminalization of all kinds of resistance, & the relationship of times of peace (preparation) to times of war (realization).
On Sabotage as one of the Fine Arts
A contribution to the topic of the theory of the practice of Sabotage.
To The Wanderers: On The Current Uprooting of The Dispossessed
An analysis by some Italian comrades of the uprooting imposed by capital and the resulting large-scale immigration and detention centres for undocumented ‘aliens’.
The Undesirables
A series of short essays analysing current changes going on in class relationships and exploitation from an anarchist perspective.
Insurrectionary Anarchy: Organising for Attack!
Basic concepts of insurrectionist ideas.
The Question of Organization: A Recent Analysis
Text discussing the informal anarchist organization, autonomous base nucleus, & the affinity group as a method of anarchist struggle. Largely based on experiences during the 1970′s insurgence in Italy.
Revolutionary Solidarity
Writings on the difference between aid and genuine solidarity. “Solidarity lies in action. Action that sinks its roots in one’s own project that is carried on coherently and proudly too, especially in times when it might be dangerous even to express one’s ideas publicly.”
Solidarity Is a Weapon: Greek Anarchist Solidarity with Immigrants and Refugees
A collection of texts with analysis & info about the situation of immigrants in Greece & how anarchists have shown their solidarity.
The Trial Statement of Nikos Maziotis: Greek Anarchist Intervention in Social Struggles
1999 trial statement of a Greek anarchist who planted a bomb at the Athens Ministry of Industry & Development in solidarity with Greek villagers resisting development in their community.
The Fullness Of A Struggle Without Adjectives
A critique of armed struggle and the formation of armed organizations.
Riot 2010? Riot Now! Attacking the Olympics and it’s Project: Canada, Greece and Italy
Analysis and history of resistance to the Olympics in Canada, Greece, and Italy.
An Anarchist Critique of the Global Economy
An intro to capitalist institutions (IMF, World Bank) & free trade polices from an anarchist perspective.
Genoa Is Everywhere
Anarchist analyses of the G8 protests in Genoa with reflections on true & false opposition to global capitalism, written by some Italian anarchists.
Summits, Counter-Summits, and Social War
Anarchist analysis of summit mobilizations.
Where Is The Festival? Notes on Summits & Counter-Summits (Elephant Editions)
Four essays: Genoa is everywhere, Vultures, On the trial of the rebels of Genoa + Notes on summits & counter-summits.
Beyond The Balaclavas Of South East Mexico (Elephant Editions)
Critique of the Zapatista movement.
The Continuing Appeal Of Nationalism (Fredy Perlman)
Text discussing nationalism and the state. “Nationalism was so perfectly suited to its double task, the domestication of workers and the despoliation of aliens, that it appealed to everyone – everyone, that is, who wielded or aspired to wield a portion of capital.”
The Reproduction of Daily Life (Fredy Perlman)
“Capital, in the face of which men sell their living days, is the product of the sold activity of men, and is reproduced and expanded every day a man sells another working day, every moment he decides to continue living the capitalist form of daily life.”
Revolution, Violence, Anti-authoritarianism: A Few Notes (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
“To study methods of revolutionary struggle without first having a clear idea of what we mean by revolution can be extremely dangerous and could lead to quite disconcerting consequences. That is why, before examining methods, it is necessary to clarify a few points: the concept of revolution, the alternative (only apparent) between violence and nonviolence, and the (concrete) alternative between authority and freedom.”
The Anarchist Tension (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
“Anarchism is not a concept that can be locked up in a word like a gravestone. It is not a political theory. It is a way of conceiving life, and life, young or old as we may be is a stake we must play day after day.”
The Insurrectional Project (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
“Today as never before, striking at the root of inequality means attacking that which makes the unequal distribution of knowledge possible directly. But not blind attack. Not desperate illogical attack. Projectual, revolutionary attack, with eyes wide open in order to understand and to act.”
Armed Joy (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
“Hurry comrade, shoot the policeman, the judge, the boss. Now, before a new police prevent you. Hurry to say No, before the new repression convinces you that saying no is pointless, mad, and that you should accept the hospitality of the mental asylum. Hurry to attack capital before a new ideology makes it sacred to you. Hurry to refuse work before some new sophist tells you yet again that “work makes you free”. Hurry to play. Hurry to arm yourself.”
Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy the Economy (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
“If we are to play with our lives and during our lives, we must learn how to do so and set the rules of the game ourselves, doing it in such a way that these are clear to us and incomprehensible labyrinths to others. We cannot just say that a game with rules is still work and that if the rules are abandoned the game becomes free, therefore libertarian. The absence of rules is not synoymous with freedom. If we want to destroy work we must build roads of individual and collective experimentation which take no account of work except to cancel it from the reality of what is possible.”
Dissonances (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
Questions as varied as anti-fascism, drugs, racism, loss of language, illness and life itself are examined here in this dissonant collection of articles which first saw the light in the anarchist paper ProvocAzione two decades ago.
Palestine, Mon Amour (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
“There is no prospect of peace in sight. The ideal solution, at least as far as all those who have the freedom of peoples at heart can see, would be generalised insurrection. In other words, an intifada starting from the Israeli people, that is capable of destroying the institutions that govern them and of proposing peace based on collaboration and mutual respect with the Palestinian people directly, without intermediaries. But for the time being this perspective is only a dream. We must prepare for the worst.”
Insurrectionalist Anarchism, Part One (Alfredo Bonanno, Elephant Editions)
Writings on ‘Affinity’, ‘Informal Organisation’, & the ‘Revolutionary Project’.
“I believe it is necessary to go further and think about the possibilities of giving more organisational strength to one’s actions, so that rebellion can transform itself into a project aimed at generalised insurrection.”