You Cannot Kill Us, We Are Already Dead: Algeria’s Ongoing Popular Uprising
Chronology, analysis, articles & news reports about the uprising in Algeria that started in 2001 after the murder of a youth in police custody + full colour maps & photos from the revolt.
The Rebellion In Los Angeles: The Context Of A Proletarian Uprising
Analysis of the 1992 rebellion that shook South Central LA. Dispels common myths about what led and motivated the riots & tries to understand the revolt and its significance.
Grassroots Political Militants
An inspiring description of the French riots from Mute magazine.
Nights of Rage: On the Recent Revolts in France
Chronology & analysis of the 2005 revolt that started in the suburbs of France after the deaths of two youths fleeing from police + an excerpt from “On Riots” published in 1987.
Jane: Documents From Chicago’s Clandestine Abortion Service
Collection of first-hand accounts and documents about the underground abortion service “Jane” that performed 11,000 abortions in Chicago from 1968-1973.
Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women Healers
European history of women as healers from the Middle Ages through to the twentieth century.
Industrial Domestication: Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination
Questions the view of history as just technological progress, & of hierarchy and domination systems as inevitable.
Paris, May 1968
A first-hand account of two weeks in Paris during the May 1968 rebellion.
The Angry Brigade 1967-1984: Documents & Chronology (Elephant Editions)
Shows some extent of the armed struggle that was carried out in Britain in the late sixties and early seventies, reproposing the validity of armed attack against capital in all its forms.
Olive-Drab Rebels: Subversion Of The US Armed Forces In The Vietnam War (Revised Edition)
History & analysis of US armed forces resistance in the military during the Vietnam war era. Also looks at civilian efforts to subvert the armed forces.
Can’t Stop the Kaos: A Brief History of the Black Bloc
Brief history of the Black Bloc and the autonomist/anarchist movements from which it arises in W. Europe and N. America.
Fire & Flames! A Militant Report on Toronto Anti-G20 Resistance (Zig-Zag)
An account of the June G20 protests and Black Bloc action + some suggestions for future outings.
A Day When Nothing Is Certain: Writings on the Greek Insurrection
A collection of texts and analyses from the December uprising in Greece sparked by the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos.
Koukoulofori: Stories, Lessons & Inspiration from the Greek Anarchist Movement
A collection of texts on the Greek anarchist movement taken from the book “We are an Image from the Future” + two essays by a US anarchist analyzing the differences between anarchist struggles in Greece and here in North America.
It’s Not Books, Nor High Marks, What We Lack Is Life: 2 Documents From The 1998 Student-Teacher Tumult In Greece
Two documents and a chronology, translated from Greek providing an excellent insight into this struggle.
The Vancouver Five: Armed Struggle In Canada
An account of the politics and practice, successes and errors of the Vancouver Five and their supporters.
This Is Not A Love Story: Armed Struggle Against The Institutions Of Patriarchy
Brief History of the “Red Zoras” & “Wimmins Fire Brigade”, two armed groups of women who carried out direct actions. Includes an interview with two members of the Red Zora.
The Political Pre-History of Love & Rage: Anarchist Struggle In The 1980s and 1990s
History & analysis of the Love & Rage Anarchist Federation with an overview of the situation of North American anarchist organisation at the time from the perspective of some members of Love & Rage.