Into Rebellion Releases

Solidarity Trip

Solidarity Trip to Chile, Bolivia, and Walmapu: to sharpen the struggles for our collective liberation, cachai?

In September and October, 2010, a group of anarchists from North America traveled to Chile, Wallmapu (the Mapuche territories, occupied by the Chilean and Argentinean states), and Bolivia to meet with local anti-authoritarians, learn the histories and current situations of their struggles, and make the connections necessary to strengthen real and long-term solidarity between anarchists in North America and people in struggle in these countries.

We came at an important time, less than a month after a major wave of raids and arrests targeting anarchists in Santiago, during a crucial and highly supported hungerstrike by Mapuche political prisoners against the antiterrorism law and the repression of their struggle, and at a low point in the once colossal social movements in Bolivia, which have now been co-opted by the leftwing government of the indigenous president, Evo Morales.

With the blog ( our purpose is to share the translations and articles we wrote during and after our trip to spread what we learned and to facilitate the spread of solidarity and the use of this model of intentional solidarity trips, which could help improve anarchist connections in other parts of the world.



  • The Mapuche struggle in southern chile
  • The struggle for Lleu Lleu: Mapuche communities fight to save their  land from timber and mining companies
  • With land, without the state: anarchy in Wallmapu
  • In Chile, two kinds of terrorism
  • September 11th riots in Santiago
  • “The other gods were crying”: stories of rebellion in the Bolivian highland
  • Evo’s highway: development in socialist South America
  • Solidarity as active resistance: creating meaningful relationships in struggle
  • The solidarity trip: an evaluation
  • Solidarity actions