Dark Nights #14 released + supplement – Anarchist & Anti-Prison newsletter

from 325, January 17th, 2012:

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.


Click here: 16 pages A4 PDF + Click here: 4 pages A4 supplement

Longer format issue of Dark Nights; the frontpage carries the new open letter from Luciano ‘Tortuga’, anarchist in Chile hurt in a bomb attack against Santander Bank in Santiago. A major section of this issue is given over to a New Year Anti-Prison Actions Round-Up, which couldn’t begin to cover the vast nature of the second international call-out for anti-prison demos on the New Years Eve, but is nevertheless a contribution to be spread and distributed.

The remaining full articles include the cases of the revolutionary anarchist group Revolutionary Struggle, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Stella Antoniou, Sonja Suder & Christian Gauger of the Revolutionary Cells (RZ).

Special separate supplement covers the latest sabotages and attacks in Italy; Update on the “Bombs Case” in Chile; Joint declaration of subversive and revolutionary prisoners in support of the comrade Luciano Tortuga (Chile); Sabotage and attacks against automated car tolls and social control (Portugal); Update on the Two Imprisoned Combatants in Yogyakarta (Indonesia).

Dark Nights will continue a more frequent publishing schedule generated from the international network of translation and counter-information for the present time.

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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