From 325:
Internationalist newsletter to download and publish on the fly. Put together from reports via Actforfree/BourbourAs, Contra-Info, Informa-Azione, Liberacion Total, etc… Features front page article about the demand for immediate release of anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch, who is held beyond his prison tariff. Secondary article “On Anti-Fascism” by an egoist-nihilist via Athens IMC. Inside is letters from the admins of counter-info project Culmine, Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa Di Bernardo, plus court-reports of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and more besides. Extensive direct action chronology covers the last month including the resistance to the Greek governmental repression against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian infrastructure, Villa Amalias, etc… Out of the era of false time into the destructive present!