Dark Nights #15 released – Bad Passions & More

From 325, February 9th, 2012:

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This issue features a front page of BAD PASSIONS : THE RIGHTS OF THE EGO : From an anti-Christian point of view by Maurizio De Simone, which will form part of a future collaborative publication concerning nihilism, egoism, refusal of society, etc by Edizioni Cerbero.

– Does Work Liberate (A poster from the streets)
– Letter from anarchist Rami Syrianos
– Declaration by Christos Tsakalos to the court
– Athens: Arson attack against ATM
– On a journey that hasn’t ended yet – Polykarpos Georgiadis
– Parole is denied for Marco Camenisch
– Thomas Meyer-Falk’s request
– Abuse of Children in UK Private Prisons by John Bowden
– Preparations for military repression at UK 2012 Olympics
– Anarchists attack the home of the President of Greece in Athens
– Belgium: Communique for arson of cars of two euro-parliamentarians, a NATO official and a diplomat

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Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Dark Nights #14 released + supplement – Anarchist & Anti-Prison newsletter

from 325, January 17th, 2012:

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.


Click here: 16 pages A4 PDF + Click here: 4 pages A4 supplement

Longer format issue of Dark Nights; the frontpage carries the new open letter from Luciano ‘Tortuga’, anarchist in Chile hurt in a bomb attack against Santander Bank in Santiago. A major section of this issue is given over to a New Year Anti-Prison Actions Round-Up, which couldn’t begin to cover the vast nature of the second international call-out for anti-prison demos on the New Years Eve, but is nevertheless a contribution to be spread and distributed.

The remaining full articles include the cases of the revolutionary anarchist group Revolutionary Struggle, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Stella Antoniou, Sonja Suder & Christian Gauger of the Revolutionary Cells (RZ).

Special separate supplement covers the latest sabotages and attacks in Italy; Update on the “Bombs Case” in Chile; Joint declaration of subversive and revolutionary prisoners in support of the comrade Luciano Tortuga (Chile); Sabotage and attacks against automated car tolls and social control (Portugal); Update on the Two Imprisoned Combatants in Yogyakarta (Indonesia).

Dark Nights will continue a more frequent publishing schedule generated from the international network of translation and counter-information for the present time.

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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New from Act For Freedom Now! Revolutionary Struggle PDF – Trial Solidarity Zine

(Copies available through Into Rebellion Distro)

New from Act For Freedom Now! Revolutionary Struggles PDF – Trial Solidarity Zine

A collection of letters, texts and communiques from the armed group ‘ Revolutionary Struggle’ and their accused. Released during their current trial and intended to be one more nail in the coffin of the legitimacy of the State and the capitalist system.

From the introduction:

“In the days of April 2010, when the Greek government finally agreed to accept a loan from the International Monetary Fund to begin the take-over of the country into the hands of the international financiers, the security services had prepared a media spectacle to mark the occasion: the capture of 6 anarchist fighters for the purpose of the submission of the social struggle.

Anarchist fighters who had been a thorn in their side for some time, were now hostages. Hostages who had humiliated the demoralised and brutal Greek intelligence services, anti-terrorist divisions and their American occupier counterparts, the CIA, who had sought out the Revolutionary Struggle (‘Epanastatikos Agwnas’ – EA – in Greek language) for a Rocket Propelled Grenade attack against the US Embassy in Athens. This daring and symbolic action came amongst scores of other targeted attacks which struck for years with symbolically definitive high-impact blows against the institutions of capitalism and government, accompanied by dozens and dozens of pages of critical, thoughtful and articulate anarchist analysis of the institutional structures that parasite on the social wealth produced by labour, with social and economic self-organisation put forward as an anti-capitalist and anti-state egalitarian alternative. Revolutionary Struggle are Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas and the fallen Lambros Foundas. Together they formed a group of social-libertarian anarchists based in the busy capital, Athens, who directed their armed activities in the class interests of the exploited workers of Greece and within/alongside the specific mass anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement from 2003-2010.

And now, they continue their fight in the court rooms and prisons of the Greek regime, where they push an even harder fight to the legitimacy of the capitalist enemy. As this collection was being assembled, the show-piece trial against the comrades continues, which is partnered by a campaign of repression against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement in general and specifically to several anarchists who deny responsibility. What the Greek security services and their foreign colleagues wish to prevent through intimidation, surveillance and imprisonment is contagion. Contagion of tactics which made a mockery of their system and showed how easily it could be struck by anyone. Contagion of ideas which has now spread far beyond the world-wide anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement into the general masses of people who are angry with everything, wishing to see it all come down and something much more humane begin. … ”


Trail updates and more from: actforfree.nostate.net

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‘Gasera’ new anarchist journal from the Philippines

(Copies available through Into Rebellion Distro)

Gasera Journal is a compilation of anarchist writings covering insights about history, politics and anarchism in the Philippines, autonomous struggles, reconsidering black bloc in the local context and transnational community building and more…There are 2 articles in filipino and the rest are in english.


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New booklet: “Letters from Anarchist Prisoners of the ‘Bombs Case’ in Chile”

(Paper copies available through Into Rebellion Distro)

This document is a collection of letters from the Chilean anarchist “Bombs Case” prisoners, in an effort to share and spread their ideas beyond the prison walls.

On August 14th, 2010, fourteen anarchists and anti-authoritarians were arrested in a series of raids in Santiago in what became known as the ‘Bombs Case’. They were accused of a series of bombings against capital and the state that took place around Santiago in the previous years, as well as of “criminal conspiracy” under the Pinochet-era Anti-Terrorist Laws. Since then, following a hunger strike by the prisoners, as well as countless solidarity actions from around the world, the charges against nine of the accused have been dropped (one of these people is facing other charges in a separate trial), but charges against five comrades remain. They are: Omar Hermosilla and Carlos Riveros, accused of providing the money to finance the costs of the attacks, as well as Mónica Caballero, Felipe Guerra, Francisco Solar, accused of the placement of the explosive devices at different points in Santiago.

The trial started on November 28, 2011.

Prisoners kidnapped by the State to the street!

Pdf for printing (480.6 KB)
Pdf for reading (865.99 KB)

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2012 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar Now Available

(Copies of the calendar are available through Into Rebellion Distro)

From: www.certaindays.org


Featuring amazing artwork and writings from Aric McBay, The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, Claude Marks, David Gilbert, The Denver Anarchist Black Cross, Emily Kantar, Favianna Rodriguez, Fireworks Graphic Collective, Gerald and Maas, Herman Bell, Jesus Barraza, Jihad Abdulmumit, Josh MacPhee, Kara Sievewright, Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson, Lynne Stewart, Ojore Lutalo, We Are The Crisis Collective, the RNC 8, Safiya Bukhari, Santiago Armengod, Shannon Willmott, Supporters of John Graham, Tim Groves and Tom Manning.

The term COINTELPRO has become synonymous with the ‘tricks of the trade’ of state repression: surveillance of organizations and individuals, the use of infiltrators and informants, frame-ups, harassing or disproportionate use of the legal system, and outright physical attacks.

While the term is widely used to describe repression of liberation movements, at least in North America, the history of the actual COINTELPRO program – its details and the lessons to be learned from it – remain relatively unknown.

Recently, we have witnessed growing awareness of state repression of radical organizing in North America, although it is difficult to judge to what extent repression is actually increasing, and to what extent this reflects the success of the work to expose it. Certainly since September 11, 2001, the state has new tools – and new social license – to go after social movements and marginalized sectors of the population alike, perhaps comparable to the Red Scare climate of the 1950s, when COINTELPRO was conceived of.

In some ways, this is to be expected. Effective movements beget repression. That being said, resisting this backlash – directly fighting back (rhetorically, legally, physically, but also via a more general resilience) – is fundamental to the survival of liberation movements.

In the wake of the repression associated with the summer 2010 G20 meeting Toronto, with several cases of infiltration in both the US and Canada coming to light in recent years, and with ongoing legislative changes giving government increasing power to surveil and disrupt us, the time seemed ripe to remind ourselves of the legacy of COINTELPRO, and resistance to it.

In putting together the Certain Days calendar, we always aim for a realistic balance between bringing to light social injustice and the challenges we face, and the inspiring work done to meet these challenges. It is important to speak of repression – to share examples so that we might learn from each others’ experiences, and see the patterns and trends in the state’s approach. But it is impossible to do so without also being struck by the many contemporary and historical examples of resistance. We hope that the information gathered in this year’s calendar can help teach the difficult lessons we need to learn to weather the storm and also provide the inspiration we need to do so.

Certain Days is a fundraiser. The proceeds from Certain Days 2011 will be divided among these groups:


THE FREEDOM ARCHIVES is a vital resource for documenting, preserving and promoting the history of radical movements. The archives contains over 10,000 hours of audio and video tapes chronicling the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international solidarity movements from the late 1960s to the mid-1990s.

The collection includes weekly news/poetry/music programs broadcast on several educational radio stations; in-depth interviews and reports on social and cultural issues; diverse activist voices; original and recorded music, poetry, original sound collages; and an extensive La Raza collection. The Archives features speeches of movement leaders and community activists, protests and demonstrations, cultural currents of rebellion and resistance. This oral history is available in a searchable database and the public can download programs and clips. The Freedom Archives is also committed to producing media to educate about the injustices of mass and political imprisonment as well as shedding light on the long history of resistance and liberation. freedomarchives.org

THE NEW YORK STATE TASK FORCE ON POLITICAL PRISONERS is dedicated to winning the release of political prisoners in New York prisons. All but one of these seven prisoners are past members of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army and have spent about 30 years in prison. The Task Force includes representatives of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, New Afrikan Liberation Front, Jericho Movement and Resistance in Brooklyn.

ADDAMEER Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian non-governmental, civil institution which focuses on human rights issues (Addameer is Arabic for conscience). Established in 1992 by a group of activists interested in human rights, the center’s activities focus on offering support for Palestinian prisoners, advocating the rights of political prisoners, and working to end torture through monitoring, legal procedures and solidarity campaigns. addameer.org

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Call Out for Submissions to Issue 12 of ‘Fire to the Prisons’

Fire to the Prisons is an an anti-state and anti-capitalist (to say the least) publication that sees potential for change specifically in different instances of social insurrection. We try to present a confrontational perspective on domination and exploitation in the … Continue reading

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325 # 9 – An Insurgent Zine of Social War & Anarchy

(Paper copies available through Into Rebellion Distro) From 325.nostate.net The rebellious anarchist magazine is back with another 92 pages of resistance and revolution to keep you ticking. D.I.Y and not for profit, this magazine aims to be a voice from … Continue reading

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Quand ils défoncent ta porte, tu répond comment? – When they knock down your front door, how’re you gonna come?

Texte Anonyme paru sur le http://www.cmaq.net/fr/node/44401, 29 août 2011 Quelques réflexions sur l’escouade GAMMA Nous avons eu la puce à l’oreille récemment qu’au sein du Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), il s’est constitué une nouvelle unité … Continue reading

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